Muy buenos días a todos !!! Salio la nueva versión de la revista COMPARTIMOSS ( Revista especializada en Sharepoint ) con un articulo d...
Como resolver 0x80070003 error on Restore-SPSite when restoring a SharePoint 2013 ?
Muy buenas noches !!! En días pasados restaurando un sitio en otra granja me salio el error : <nativehr>0x80070003</nativehr...
Video Arquitectura Fisica Sharepoint 2013
Muy buenas noches !!! En esta oportunidad les paso el video que di el 8 de octubre para la comunidad sharepoint de Colombia. Espero que ...
Error de instalacion de AppFabric al momento de instalar prerequisitos de Sharepoint 2013
Muy buenos días !!! Uno de los errores mas comunes al instalar Sharepoint 2013 es el que mostramos a continuación ( con el AppFabric ) E...
Nuevo Webcast gratis !!! ... 08 Octubre 2014 ... 8 pm ( Hora Colombia ) Designing a Physical Architecture in SharePoint 2013
Nuevo Webcast 08 Octubre 2014 ... 8 pm ( Hora Colombia ) Designing a Physical Architecture in SharePoint 2013 ... gratis !!! https://ww...
Nuevo ciclo de conocimiento en SharePoint 2013. En esta oportunidad " Webcast - Designing a Logical Architecture in SharePoint 2013". Evento virtual.
Description Nuevo ciclo de conocimiento en SharePoint 2013. En esta oportunidad " Webcast - Designing a Logical Architecture in Sha...
Nuevo ciclo de conocimiento en SharePoint 2013. En esta oportunidad "Webcast - Designing an Information Architecture in SharePoint 2013". Evento virtual.
Description Nuevo ciclo de conocimiento en SharePoint 2013. En esta oportunidad "Webcast - Designing an Information Architecture ...
Webcast Free - Introducing SharePoint Server 2013, 17 -09 - 2014
Mañana, de 8 a 10 pm ( Hora de Colombia ) Description Nuevo ciclo de conocimiento en SharePoint 2013. En esta oportunidad "Web...
View synchronization User profiler Sharepoint 2013 Online
To view the online synchronization of Sharepoint 2013 User Profile Service Application we use Windows Server client called FIM (Forefront Id...
Solution Error Infopath forms With State Services
"An error has occurred with the Form Service there is a misconfiguration of the Microsoft SharePoint State Service”. Solution : ...
New Path to MCSE Sharepoint
New Path to MCSE Sharepoint Managing Office 365 Identiti...
Change user autentication Sharepoint 2013
Sharepoint 2013 not have the option of earlier versions to change user, we enter the next structure : http://UrlWebPage/_layouts/Authentic...
Search Host Controller Service in "Starting" state (SharePoint 2013)
On the "Services on Server" page, the "Search Host Controller Service" in Central Administration showed the statu...
Updload Sharepoint 2013 VHD to Azure
Convert vhdx to vhd , by powershell cmdlets PS C:\> Convert-VHD –Path D:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Hyper-V\DemoRBSSP2013\Virtual Ha...
Integrate Local Powerhell with Azure Powershell
Go to url : option : Azure command-line interface,Windows Install ( Download .exe ) Install ...
Sharepoint 2013 SP1 Support in Windows Server 2012 R2
Before the release of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Microsoft did not support the installation of SharePoint Server...
installation Sharepoint 2013 on Azure
Create Virtual machine initialize virtual machine Note : before install sharepoint we will install active directo...